Cannabis Wars

- 512 Pages
- English / Hebrew

President of The Santa Herba Scientific Council

The Cannabis Wars is Available in All Reading Formats
Meet the Cannabis

Nissim Krispil
Nissim is a renowned plant researcher, prizewinner for lifetime achievement from the Ben-Gurion University, author of numerous books about medical herbs that have been published worldwide. He performed informal testing with cannabis brews for curing cancer patients, yielding good results.

Gali Silver
Gali is an activist for legalization and Amos Silvers' life partner. She helps with contributions of cannabis for patients in need, she treated her grandmother who suffered from dementia with cannabis. She left Israel after persecution from the Israeli authorities.

Dr. Johnny Greenfeld
Johnny is a doctor who made the cannabis accessible for many terminally ill patients, but paid a price for it, when the healthcare authorities revoked his ability to issue licenses with the required amounts for patients, later he left the healthcare system.

Abigail Dar
Abigail was forced to illegally smuggle cannabis oil from overseas for her son with Autism. She fought against the authorities and learned just how cold hearted and indifferent the system is. Later she founded “Cannafora” - Cannabis for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Challenges Treatment Center.
About the Author
Tom Wegner
The dramatic turn of events in Wegner’s life occurred after his father was diagnosed with cancer and needed medical cannabis treatment but encountered bureaucratic difficulties that prevented him from obtaining the much-needed treatment. In an attempt to help his father, Tom met extraordinary people, whom he calls ״the underground of angels”, who dedicate their lives to helping critically ill patients in need of cannabis, under threat of imprisonment and institutional harassment.
In 2019, Wegner began posting a series of interviews with medical cannabis therapists and patients on social media, which shocked many opinion leaders in Israel and revealed an acute human rights crisis, which took place away from the public’s eye. Wegner’s first book, Cannabis Wars, incorporates some of this important evidence into a staggering document.
Wegner is also known as an Internet entrepreneur and activist, one of the founders of the Israeli Space Association and of the Trees Fund.