Cannabis Wars
Cannabis Underground
The attempts to alleviate his father’s constant pain were Wegner’s first steps into the absurd, wonderful, mind-boggling world of medical cannabis. Cannabis Wars chronicles not only Wegner’s experiences with the medicinal herb, but the story of an entire movement that spurred out to fight for patients’ rights while facing bloody red tapes and stone-faced bureaucracy.
Dozens of activists, patients and professionals have shared their story and knowledge with Wegner’s book. From an underground movement of selfless angels to world-renowned doctors and researchers who sacrificed their names and livelihood for the good of others, Cannabis Wars gives a unique, never-seen-before glimpse into the medical world’s backyard: the draconic cannabis laws and their infuriating consequences, the special interest groups backing them, and the lives of those who are willing to pay a heavy price to help complete strangers in need.
Cannabis Wars gives a powerful voice to those previously unheard. Wegner pens the authentic story of a devoted community fighting for its very existence – men and women, cancer and epilepsy patients, parents of children on the autistic spectrum, pain syndromes patients, PTSD and shell-shocked veterans, and their awe-inspiring selflessness in the face of impossible circumstances.

- 512 Pages
- English / Hebrew
About the Author
Tom Wegner
The dramatic turn of events in Wegner’s life occurred after his father was diagnosed with cancer and needed medical cannabis treatment but encountered bureaucratic difficulties that prevented him from obtaining the much-needed treatment. In an attempt to help his father, Tom met extraordinary people, whom he calls ״the underground of angels”, who dedicate their lives to helping critically ill patients in need of cannabis, under threat of imprisonment and institutional harassment.
In 2019, Wegner began posting a series of interviews with medical cannabis therapists and patients on social media, which shocked many opinion leaders in Israel and revealed an acute human rights crisis, which took place away from the public’s eye. Wegner’s first book, Cannabis Wars, incorporates some of this important evidence into a staggering document.
Wegner is also known as an Internet entrepreneur and activist, one of the founders of the Israeli Space Association and of the Trees Fund.